Top 10 Bed Bug Cities in the USA

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Top 10 Bed Bug Cities in the USA

Bed bugs are wingless critters, yet they are inanely infamous for being able to spread from place to place. They have long been dubbed as “master hitchhikers,” but these pests don’t stand by the side of the road and wait for a ride. They make their way into a person’s pant cuff, shoe, bag, coat, or other personal belonging that has been placed on the floor, and they do it quickly, because of this, it can be (an unfortunate) piece of cake to have them spread so easily as people travel from place to place.

In the US, there is not a single state that is immune to bed bug infestation. Here are top 10 cities in the US with the worst bed bug infestations during the year:

  • Chicago
  • Baltimore
  • Washington, DC
  • Detroit
  • Columbus, OH
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Indianapolis
  • Cincinnati
  • Los Angeles
  • Grand Rapids, MI

To avoid getting bed bugs in your home, here are prevention tips that can be easily remembered and practiced:

Identify Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can be easily mistaken for other small, similar looking insects, so it can be regrettable to realize later that what you thought was a booklice, fleas, or carpet beetle were actually these pestilent critters. Be informed and know what bed bugs and signs of infestation look like. Inspect public areas such as airports, buses, hotels, and similar infrastructures for signs of bed bugs.

Check the Hotel Room

This can take some time and effort, but it will be worth it – for your home’s health and safety. Upon checking into a hotel or if you’re out of town and staying at your relatives or friend’s place, thoroughly inspect it for bed bugs with a flashlight. The most common places of nesting include mattresses, beddings, headboards, and other furniture.

Keep Suitcases Off the Ground

Bed bugs are avid crawlers, so better keep suitcases, bags, and belongings off the ground. If possible, only unpack what you think is absolutely necessary and keep unused items in sealed plastic bags. It might also help to keep children from sitting or lying on the ground in public places too.

Upon Returning Home, Unpack ASAP

Don’t give in to laziness, unpack your suitcases immediately. Stowing your luggage away after a trip can be tempting, but this increases the risk of a possible infestation. You might also consider throwing in used and unused clothes into the washer with the highest heat setting on to serve as a DIY bed bug heat treatment.

Sanitize Luggage

This goes without saying. Have your suitcases and other luggage vacuumed and sanitized thoroughly before storing them away for your next use.

Better safe than sorry

Bed bugs are extremely invasive and can latch onto various materials without being noticed. Because they can spread from one place to another quite unsuspectingly, it’s no surprise to see that no state in the US is immune to these pests. Even with the precautions above, it might still be inevitable to encounter problems with bed bugs, so it’s good practice to have your bed bug exterminator at reach to avoid further damage.